OPITO MIST (UK) - International Minimum Industry Safety Training
2 day course
The oil & gas industry operates in some of the most dangerous environments in the world. Hazards are expected in this setting and must be controlled.
Improvements in technology, workforce involvement, infrastructure care and rig operations have led to recent reductions in injuries and incidents but, it is recognised, more still needs to be done. It is believed that improved base line safety training is likely to improve the situation by ensuring that all personnel have the necessary safety awareness and basic skills training to recognise and avoid risk.
To address this need, companies in the UK North Sea, along with Step Change in Safety, agreed to develop an introductory training programme that would introduce the key safety elements required by all employees.
Employers, through the Middle East Africa and Asia Pacific Employers Forums, from oil and gas regions around the world have asked for an equivalent programme to be developed to meet the global needs of the oil and gas industry. In response to this request, OPITO, in conjunction with industry representatives, has developed an International Minimum Industry Safety Training standard suitable for use irrespective of location.
The course can be offered at an OPITO approved training establishment or be employer led (OPITO approval required).
The OPITO “International Minimum Industry Safety Training” (IMIST) is highly recommended for all inexperienced employees in the Oil & Gas Industry.